
Donut County

BK is a not so loveable raccoon who destroyed his entire town by delivering the hole from a donut. Not a donut hole-type donut, the hole itself.

How deep is this game, really?

You take control of a hole that which consumes everything it passes under, growing in size with each item, while navigating story beats leading up to the characters being stuck underground.

There are small puzzles in a number of the levels, such as swallowing a fire, then a firework to ignite it and scare some birds (which you then consume). None of them are terribly difficult, but younger players may be a little confused by a couple of the more obtuse levels.

While the story itself is fairly simple and straight forward, each movement is compelling.

It’s gorgeous

This game absolutely swallows you up with its quirky dialog and charming aesthetic. With bouncing, electric music, flat, polygonal design, and a contrasting pastel palette, you’ll find yourself jumping from scene to scene, rushing your way through this game.

The Trashopedia

Donut County manages this wonderful repository of the items your hole has consumed during the various levels, including a description from BK.

Items like succulents are labeled a “child’s safety cactus”, and a dog dish may be a reminder that “drinking from [it] is like kissing a dog, but not as much fun”.

It’s not much, but it gives the game just that little extra bit of depth to really push it over the edge.

The bottom line

Donut County is really good. If you’ve got a couple hours to sink and enjoy a relaxing scene, this is totally worth your time and money.

Remember, have a garbage day!

Links: Donut County Steam